my 365


this time of year is always a bit slow for photographers.  the holiday craziness has ended, the cold has set in and the days are short.  as I mentioned here, i am spending my time over on instagram taking part in my 2nd year of a photo-a-day challenge.  myself, along with some fellow instagrammers have created @my_365!  it has been beyond amazing and it is only a week in!

I think the best part is i end up with tons of photos i may have not taken otherwise!


interested?  It is simple.  follow along at @my_365 and post a photo a day to match the theme. (there is no right or wrong!) themes are posted each week on the account.  use hashtag #my_365 and the theme for the day.  It is an amazing little community to be a part of and push your creativity!

have fun!


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