happy new year!


i absolutely love a new year.  new goals.  new dreams.  new memories!


2012 was an incredible year and i have no doubt 2013 will be even better!

i like to set goals vs resolutions around this time.  i believe that we are all constantly evolving and rather focus on what is wrong or needs to change, i like to focus on what i can do better!  so here are a few of the things i hope to accomplish in the next year:

* complete my 365 of easton mike (and maybe keep going?!)

* find a better balance between work, family + fun!

* get my work featured (more than once?)

* thicken my skin up a bit – i can be too sensitive…

* set ‘date nights’ with each of my loves!

* eat a chick-fil-a sandwhich – i have not eaten fried food in 8 years :)

* continue to help others and grow my business by thinking outside the box

* take easton to the beach this summer

* get more sleep

* support, inspire and motivate my group during their project life 365!

* become a cm pro?!?!  (yikes!)

* print my favorite images and put in project life binder!

* have fun + stay positive!

i hope that the new year brings happiness for all of you!

feel free to share with me your 2013 goals :)


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