friendship bracelet valentines.


an email went out this year from teachers, asking parents to send healthy treats for birthdays.  in my opinion, this is good and bad.  good because i don’t think my kids need any more sugar and i understand if this may be a disservice to the teachers having to deal with crazed sugar-high students.  bad because your birthday is ONLY once a year and bringing cookies, cupcakes, etc is just fun and what makes the day extra special.

either way, it is what it is.  i am not going to fight it, like i said, i am okay with my kids not having any extra sugar!  but now we are approaching valentines day.  and it got me thinking…am i going to receive an email about no candy?  or is this an exception?  who knows!

so i decided to play it safe and do a non-sweet craft with the kids!  and who DOESN’T love friendship bracelets?  i have 4 on my wrist right now from some pretty spectacular kids!

these are super easy, just a little time consuming!


i printed out the ‘message’ on cardstock.  then i used a scalloped scissors + just cut around the circles.


the kids definitely helped with making the bracelets and we kept it simple by doing a basic braid.


we hole punched on each side and thread the bracelets through!  simple!  my kids still need to sign each one, but that is the easy part!


if you need more info on these valentines, contact me!!!

do it yourself / i like this