after school. 2.26.14 snack + homework. ps. are my kids the only ones that come home absolutely S T A R V I N G every single day?! at home / cason harris / ella kate
so ready for spring. 2.17.14 we had more snow today and to be honest, we are all just sick of it. bring on spring! ella kate / out + about
kitchen assistants. 2.11.14 making dinner is always a little more fun with helpers and tasters! at home / easton mike / ella kate
wiggly tooth. 2.10.14 as ella is showing me her wiggly tooth, this guy shows up and is insistent he has one too! at home / easton mike / ella kate
friday morning. 2.7.14 he jumped. said bye to dada. and got dressed with the help of ella. we are all happy it is friday! at home / easton mike / ella kate
handing out awards. 2.6.14 i know i say it a lot, but i love the my_365 project! todays theme was award. cason harris / easton mike / ella kate / taylor rae