Category Archives: giveaways

*** giveaway ***


happy friday – great day for a giveaway!

i received a couple inquiries about the cowl that my daughter ella was wearing this week, so i thought i would give one away!  these are sooo awesome.  light weight, not bulky under coats/jackets and super cute.  (i even have one!)

 KC Jones is the designer + sooo talented!  her little shop can be found here – she makes awesome things and will make just about anything you request…so check her out!

here is what you need to do to win one:

1) ‘Like’  squirrels & squids on facebook

2) ‘Like’ jill marzion photography on facebook

3) Leave a comment below about why you want to win!

super easy to win!!!  i will randomly pick a winner on Thanksgiving Day!
